GLOBALWISE SOFTNET & GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Zanzibar police uncover drugs haul

Friday, July 22, 2011

Zanzibar police uncover drugs haul

From DAILY NEWS Reporter in Zanzibar, 21st July 2011 @ 19:30, Total Comments: 0, Hits: 244

POLICE in Zanzibar have discovered a house turned into a narcotics warehouse and arrested four people suspected of running drugs trade on the Isles.

Zanzibar Police spokesperson, Mr Mohammed Mhina, said on Thursday that among those arrested, two are members of the same family and that the house is located at Kiembesamaki near the Zanzibar International Airport.

The Zanzibar Deputy Director of Criminal Investigations, Mr Muhudi Mshihiri, said that they believe the suspects were the main suppliers of the illicit drugs to both wholesale dealers as well as street peddlers and that they have confiscated more than 81 bundles of illicit drugs and a sack full of marijuana seeds.

He said six out of the confiscated bundles of drugs were with one of the owners of the house, Bakari Maganga Budole (33), who was on his way to supply the drugs.

The deputy director named others arrested in the operation as Hamisi Maganga Budole (35), Lusia Toufick Nassoro (28) and Shabani Ibrahim Mhegu (32), all residents of Kisimambaazi in Kiembesamaki area.

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